Day #25: DIY ‘Tea Organizer’

We’ve all fallen for this old childhood trick courtesy of our wonderful mothers:

But let me fix that for you:

well, sort of

well, sort of

I like my tea. I buy tea, and people give me tea. But earlier today I was starting to get slightly bothered by all the different tea boxes scattering around the kitchen counter.

Before (ew bad indoor lighting)


But I’d gotten an idea from Dr. Pinterest to do something like this:

You could go down that fancy road if you’d like. But I figured the whole point of this DIY / recycling thing is to lessen consumption, so I decided not to go out and buy paint or fancy papers, and made do with whatever I had at home.

Which are, well, these.

ew, bad lighting again. sorry.

and a pair of scissors

I’d already had the biscuit can from months before. The thick papers are cut-outs from the original tea boxes themselves. I just kep trimming them until they fit the diameter of the biscuit can. And then cut halfway into the midsection of each, and slip them into each other.

this is why I take photos in my room or front porch and not my kitchen

this is why I take photos in my room or front porch and not my kitchen

The can I have is about double the volume of what’s shown on the original post, and since I have plenty of tea bags anyway, I made two storeys of this arrangement, divided by more paper cutouts (although if you have a large enough clean hard paper I’d recommend you cut them into one fitting circular shape instead).

I didn’t have paint to paint the can with to make it look fancy, so I scavenged around for a nice piece of wrapping paper and found one in my bedroom that my friend had given me the ‘Summer Crossing’ book in.

I didn’t have enough to cover the lid as well, so I’ll probably be borrowing some black paint from the Art department some other day just enough to cover it with. But in the meantime, look how pretty! 😀



If anybody finds out what the proper name for this is, or could come up with a more creative title for it, I’ll think of a reward for ya 😉


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